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    مدیر وبلاگ : meysam ramezanali[13]
    نویسندگان وبلاگ :
    mohammad hoseyn moosavi faraz (@)[4]

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    »» Please slow! »» date:85/6/24 «» 10:0 ع

    You go very fast. You must be with me in this way. But you are fast in every thing. In walking. In crying. In laughing. And I can"t be same as you.

    I want to be with you. Please help me.

    Please slow.


    meysam ramezanali
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    »» April night »» date:85/5/23 «» 12:50 ص

    Cold rain is pouring down

    Down from the sky to ground

    Rain is raining from above

    See the drops while looking up

    It’s cold in an April night

    Needing someone to hold you warm

    Looking at the sky, the sky is red

    Imagine sitting by a fireplace in a lonely shed




    Cold rain is pouring down

    Down from the sky to ground

    Drops of water on my skin

    There’s no escape, no no skip!

    The wind is blowing

    Here’s thunder and lightening

    Leaves are dancing on the trees

    One by one feeling alive, what about me?




    mohammad hoseyn moosavi faraz
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    »» Future »» date:85/5/9 «» 1:14 ع

    Sometimes, we need to think about our life.

    In that time, we must consult with a good consultant to guide us. I think in these days I need to think about my future. I must think exactly about my life in future.  

    If I need/like to marry, I must find a good job that I can run my life. Or if I want to accept for m.a, I must study hard &if I want to have both of them, I need to think best way for catch them.

    Therefore, I need to think and think and ….  

    meysam ramezanali
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    »» be ear! »» date:85/5/1 «» 12:35 ع
    Sometimes we relate with our friends. In these times we must to be careful about my sense. We must be cold and try to be honest. We don’t say any lie. And try to help them. In this relation we must be a good ear. This means that we try to hear her any thing that they like to talk to us. Every one need to talk about his/her senses with his/her friend. Talking about my sense help me that have a good sense about my life.

    meysam ramezanali
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    »» allah »» date:85/4/15 «» 5:23 ع

    This text sended for SHADOWS :


    Assalamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Why is it so hard to tell the truth...yet so easy to tell a lie, why do we sleep in the mosque during jumaah service. but when the kuthbah is over we suddenly wake up?y is it so hard to talk about ALLAH?, why are we so bored to look at a holy magazine and hard to read the Quran...but so easy to read a playboy magazine?, why is it so easy to delete a Godly offline messages ...yet we forward the nasty ones? Why is it that mosque is getting smaller...but yet bars and clubs are growing??.....think about it....are you going to forward this or delete it? Just remember Allaah is watching you if u love Allaah then send this to everyone on your list. Don"t break this chain.

    meysam ramezanali
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    »» The moment of visiting »» date:85/4/9 «» 7:53 ع

    The moment of visiting

    The moment of visiting is near
    Again, I am crazy and drunk
    My hands are shaking and so is my heart
    Again, it seems I am in another world.

    Razor, don"t carelessly scratch my face
    Wind, don"t mess up my hair

    My heart! don"t embarrass me
    The moment of visiting is near


    Mehdi Akhavan Sales (M. Omid)


    meysam ramezanali
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    »» Reason »» date:85/4/6 «» 3:43 ع

    Sometimes we want to speak about our love. For example, we want to speak abaut our favorite singer, poem, film, etc. but we can’t. Because we didn’t think about the reason of that. We don’t know why we love that singer, that poem.

    I think we must think exactly about our loves and Reason of that. For example, we like that poem because that poem helps me to be happier. Or that poem shows our goal in life. And …

    After this, you can speak very well about your loves. I promise.  

    meysam ramezanali
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